Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Okay, I’m back here again, more for sanity than anything. I figure if I write this down I’ll hopefully feel better.
It just keeps getter better. I’m being facetious I know but I gotta do the old sarcasm thing or I’ll lose it. I decided to head out to Rona Abbotsford yesterday partly for work and partly just to see what tile choices they had. It’s a big store and not as busy as the Burnaby store so it’s the better choice.
I actually found some tile I like for my bathroom and my kitchen. I decided to order it. Good thing here is that whatever you don’t use you can bring back by the piece. The sales guy told me it would be in next Thursday. I’m crossing my fingers that it will be because lately things just have not gone according to plan. I’m trying to be positive because I am of the belief that everything happens for a reason but I am also human so naturally I go through the ups and downs that all humans do.

I headed back to the office did some work and got a phone call from the flooring store I bought my laminate from back in January. I was originally told my laminate would be in to pick up late next week but she informed me they made a mistake and it wouldn’t be in until the end of May. I swear I almost lost it!!! I now had to find new flooring. I had matched everything to the laminate I had originally chosen. The paint, the tile…everything! I decided to go back there today on my lunch. I spent a good chunk of time pulling samples off the wall and placing them beside the paint chip and the tile I had just purchased to get the right fit. I ended up having to get a darker floor but I think it will look very good. They ended up giving me free delivery which was a bonus.

Heather and I tried to check all the IKEA boxes last night to make sure they were all there but we could not for the life of us figure out the IKEA check list. Yes, we could find the item number and match it but what we could not figure out was how many of each there were. It just didn’t make sense. We thought we had it understood but then we would come across some that said there was one and we had two. Totally confusing. We gave up. I’m hoping everything is there because I only had 48 hours from pick up to do this and that time frame is now kaput.

The painter was supposed to finish today but because his helper didn’t come along he probably won’t get it done. This puts us another day behind. I let him know that Josh would be there tomorrow as he was working on my door and other bits and pieces. Also, my laminate is being delivered tomorrow so he will have to load that into the house.

I had the pleasure of taking a bath in my house for the first time last night. It wasn’t as hot as I like but hey, it was nice just to have one at home. Josh is going to get the plumber to fix it so it’s warmer which will be appreciated.

Okay, I’m done writing. Do I feel better? Hmmm, a little I guess. My head just seems to keep spinning with all I need to do before Monday. Oh and those IKEA cabinets...I have to put all those cabinets together by Monday...OH MY!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If I was tired yesterday I am even more tired today with the added bonus of being frustrated. I think this is starting to get to me. Or maybe I just feel that way because my job is also not going the way I’d like. Everything seems to be out of control right now.

The second coat of paint went on the ceiling (latex this time) and it didn’t work. There was bleeding coming through from the original cedar. The painter called Cloverdale Paint and he now has to seal it again with the stinky oil based paint one more time. Here we go…I thought I only had to tolerate one night of stench and now I had to do it all over again. It wouldn’t have been so bad if he could have done it first thing in the morning but he couldn’t do it until the latex dried so the oil base application didn’t start until 3:30pm. I had to leave all the doors and windows open and to make matters worse it was cold and rainy.

I was supposed to have hot water to have a bath yesterday. The hot water tank went in and the plumber said there was hot water. Guess what? Nope. It didn’t work. Here I thought I would sweep up drywall dirt off the floor because I could have a bath right after. Oh I swept…I just didn’t get to bathe. So I was grimy and had to sleep with all the windows open plus have the stench of oil based paint wafting through the air.

Josh and I went and picked up the IKEA kitchen cabinets yesterday afternoon. I was going to come back to the office but didn’t feel well so I didn’t. Josh took most of the cabinets to his office in Abbotsford and brought them back to my house this morning to unload. I was nervous yesterday as it began to rain on the way back and I didn’t want the boxes to get wet and the cabinets damaged. I still have a car load of boxes in my car. I have to go through every box tonight to make sure they are all there. IKEA requires you do this within 48 hours or they assume you have everything you paid for and will not refund you if you don’t check within that time frame.

Josh said he fixed my hot water this morning. I’m skeptical. I tend to be lately. It’s just how everything has been going. It seems the universe is just off kilter. I called about my laminate flooring yesterday and apparently it won’t be ready until mid to the end of next week. If we could have had it delivered this week the laminate could have gone down next week but now it will be a week delayed. I’ll have to set my IKEA cabinets up on sheets on the floor. I can’t see how I will have the time to order my tile this weekend as I still haven’t finalized my decision with regard to the kitchen/entrance and powder room. I need more time. Time I just don't have. My mood is at an all time low. I need a way out of this slump.

Monday, April 26, 2010


This girl is tired. I needed the weekend to relax and that didn't really happen. The prep work began on the ceiling yesterday. Gord the painter and his helper came around nine to begin. I did my spin class and returned to find them prepping. I quickly got my sample boards, laundry etc. together and headed for the laundry mat and deli lunch counter (aka: My Mom's house). I chucked my laundry in, made a sandwich chatted and then proceeded to catch a few winks on the couch.

Later in the day I headed out with Megan to a familiar destination...IKEA to pick up my powder room vanity. Lucky me, I rangled myself the last sink but to get myself the vanity was a major amount of climbing, crawling, tugging and pushing. The boxes were jammed tight. Meg crawled into the warehouse shelving to push the box out towards me as I was on my belly with my legs dangling out of the Godmorgon section trying to pull it out. I'm sure the onlookers where chuckling and taking pictures with their camera phones.
Success! We had quite the cart load of IKEA treasures and I doubted we would get them into my Dodge Calibur. Meg asurred me we would. I had my vanity, sink and another light fixture and Meg had bought an office chair, desk/shelf unit and a 7 foot piece of shelving from the "as is" section. Almost a grand later we headed for the car. Megan was right...even surprising herself, we got it all in. I couldn't see out the windows but we did it!
I dropped her at her house and we unloaded her stuff onto the lawn and I headed home to see what the painters were doing.
WOW!!! The ceiling was now white and Lordy, it stunk like hell in the house. They had to use oil based paint for the first coat on the ceiling. It looks fabulous and bright and I felt like it was the last of the way the old girl looked.
I fed my cats outside hopped back in the car with the gang and headed for my Son's house for a chili feast. I was dreading coming home that night and having to sleep in my house. I ended up getting home at 9:30pm. The stench was a bit better than it was when the painters had first finished but it was still pretty bad. My bedroom had the best venitlation because I had my balcony door open plus two open windows. I slept on and off all night and got up just before 4am. I made it....barely.
It's coming together. The second coat is going on the ceiling today but latex this time so it should be a lot more tolerable.

I'm off to pick up my IKEA kitchen cabinets today with Josh. I can't believe I am at this point in the reno. It's been a blur. We will store the cabinets at Josh's place until the floor goes in then bring them back to my house and I'll have a "Family put the IKEA cabinets together" party. Pizza of course will be on the menu...along with a healthy dose of Coke and Rootbeer to wash it all down.

I can't believe it's almost a year since I first saw my beloved Mid Century beauty with a for sale sign plunked on the lawn....Mother's Day 2009. Who wudda thought a year later I would be spending Mother's day in my almost completely renovated dream house....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reno Gods be kind

Okay, it seems the Reno-God’s have it in for me. Yesterday the painter was supposed to start but I noticed on Friday when I got home from work that Josh and Jordan had not prepped the ceiling, which I was told previously they would do. I called to find out what the scoop was and was told that the painter could do it. Upon thinking about it I didn’t understand how he could start painting if he had to prep and fill holes. Wouldn’t that mean the filler would have to dry??? How could he paint? Also it was my understanding that my doors would also be installed on Friday, which most were. We had also agreed that my doors would not be placed outside and low and behold my pocket door was left out for the rain to destroy. I struggled to bring it inside and let Josh know the door had delaminated and buckled. I hope it is fixable. Josh has told me he will replace it if necessary. I knew he would because he's an upstanding guy but it’s just the time factor.
Saturday was supposed to be my tile shopping day. It ended up that the painter, who was supposed to be here at noon, showed up at 2pm. There went most of my day. While I waited for him I decided to sweep the ceiling to get rid of dirt and cobwebs so it would save some time. When he arrived he saw the extent of the work that needed to be done and said he could not paint. Surprise! NOT! After a few calls to Josh and after discussions with the painter we decided the painter would bring a helper today and the prepping would begin. He said he could probably get one coat of paint on the ceiling late in the afternoon. He will arrive at 9am this morning.

I did in fact get to do a bit of tile shopping yesterday. I went to a different tile store right by my house. I didn’t even know it was there. My daughter Megan told me about it. I spent an hour and a half there pulling tile choices and matching with the paint and my cabinet fronts. I decided on about four choices and took them home to see them in the light. Well, folks I think my decision has been made for my master bathroom and my kitchen and entrance hall. I am very excited about the choices but that excitement is gunna cost me (what’s new?). I worked out the amounts and I’ll order some stuff this coming week. Apparently it only takes a few days to get them in. The only decision I have to finish making now is the powder room by the entrance door. My gut tells me I should keep the floor the same as the entrance so it’s consistent.

This morning I browsed the Internet for a doorbell that would fit inside my chrome door- knob back plate that I cannot use on my door. I found one! It will fit perfectly inside the round hole of the knob area. I ordered it! At least I’ll get to use the back plate on the outside of my house even though it’s not going to be my front door. I also ordered my Spektr lights from Rejuvenation of which I’dposted a picture previously. I’ve ordered the brushed aluminum. That set me back some change but you’re only on this earth for a short time so treat yourself…right? They will look spek-tacular!

Today I’m off to IKEA to purchase my powder room vanity. I’m expecting hot water to arrive in my home this week…it better arrive this week. I’m hopeful it will arrive this week….(can you tell I’m desperate?) I WANT MY HOT WATER! Taking dishes to wash at work or in a big pot by boiling water in the kettle and washing them as I squat on the floor is getting tedious. I’d also like to bathe at home instead of the gym.

Even though I hate the show (way over decorated...note the ridiculous themed bedrooms)…I’m waiting for Ty Pennington from Extreme Home Edition to show up at my doorstep and do my house in a week while they send me to Disney World. Oh Ty, where are you?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear 1950's will not be complete :(

Huge disappointment yesterday. I made my way home at 10am to be there for my door arrival and as they were loading them off the truck I noticed how close the drilled hole was to the edge. I had a sinking feeling in my gut. I didn’t think my door knob back plate would fit. I told the guys there may be a problem. I went and got the back plate and yes I was right it didn’t fit. They told me it was a standard door knob hole and that they don’t make hardware that would be so far away from the edge of the door. One of the guys who delivered the doors said that Home Depot would special order it but that would mean I’d have to buy a whole new door. I’ve decided the knob back plate will have to be used somewhere else. Possibly as a back plate to my door bell. I was really bummed out as I was really looking forward to using it. My door will still look great but I was really looking forward to using the original back plate. I guess you gotta roll with the punches and come up with new ideas. On a positive note, the doors and closets look absolutely fabulous! This is truly going to be a house of glass.
I met with the painter after work today. I picked some colors for my house (a warm grey and a darker grey for the brick fireplace) I want to use a hot color under the stairs but may wait to choose that. He is going to actually start with the ceiling tomorrow afternoon. He didn’t want us to install the doors yet which was a disappointment to me. He wants to move them outside while he paints. I called Josh to let him know but he does not like that idea and I have to agree. I want my doors in today. I guess the painter is just thinking about the amount of work it would be to cover the doors while he sprays. I’ll find out the verdict this morning. The painter had arrived before I got home and had looked around the outside of the house. He told me it wouldn’t cost much to do the outside of the house. Maybe $1,500. Two words…. YOU'RE HIRED!

I haven’t taken any pictures for a while. My camera battery died and wouldn’t you know it in this upheaval I can’t find my re-charger. I’ll have to buy some batteries today. I did take some a while ago when the drywall first went up but can’t download them into the computer. I want to take some shots before the ceiling goes white.

I am expecting a call from IKEA today or tomorrow regarding my load of kitchen cabinets which are due Saturday. Josh and I will pick them up together hopefully Monday. We are just going to bring them back here and I’ll start putting them together after the painter finishes which I am assuming will be the middle of next week. Once the painting is done the wall cabinets can go up which will leave some space and it also means I can store things in them rather than in boxes.

I’m off to the tile store at lunch today to make some final decisions on tile. If I order the grey concrete tile it will take a few weeks to arrive (I think) The marble for the powder room would be next day. I made another attempt at finding penny tile yesterday only to get the run around. I found the supplier but they would not let me buy direct. They gave me the phone number to Carpet One and said they could order it in for me. I called them but I had to explain to the store what penny tile is. They said they would call me back….no call. I will call again today. I just want to know what they are going to soak me for to see if it’s worth it for me to head down to the States to get it.

Okay people I am now ready for this reno to be done. My credit card has been maxed out once. My bank balance is shrinking quickly…my job/house juggling is getting shaky. There’s no rest or relaxation at the end of the day. I have no clothes to wear. No time to do nails or hair. I look like a rag-a-muffin. I’ve gained weight from eating poorly….and….I can’t find my bloody battery re-charger or anything else for that matter!

Would I do it all again? a heartbeat!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Drywall drywall everywhere theres drywall...

Okay, I’m still not in my tub yet…now I’m being told it will be next week.
I have returned from my trip from Ontario. I was living in luxury with a bed with no dust, actual inside running water with a sink and a tub and hot running water!
I’m now back in the pleasure of my own home with drywall dust, three electrical outlets, one toilet no inside running water, frozen dinners, two semi-homeless cats…and I feel like finishing it off with a partridge in a pear tree.
The drywall has been beaded, mudded and sanded once. It should all be done by tomorrow and then it will be leaps and bounds to the end….oh, please end be near.

More decisions are taking place. One word…Tile. I have been to the tile store I’m sure at least 10 times. The guy in the store knows me by name and doesn’t bother to charge me for taking tile samples home anymore. I’ve surfed the web more times than I can count, to find bathrooms I like and to study the tile choices. I seem to gravitate to large tiles for my ensuite. I did find a grey marble tile I am quite fond of and even fonder of the cost of it. I’m using it for my powder room downstairs. I have changed my mind about the flooring in the kitchen. I’ve switched to grey tile that looks a lot like concrete. I’m still on the search for penny tile for the kitchen backsplash. It’s prevalent in the U.S. of A but seems to be in sparse supply here on the West Coast. When I do find it it’s a horrendous price or only in stainless steel. Come on tile stores, get with the program! My favorite place to browse for penny tile is Love it! Home Depot in the states sells it as well but only as a web order and they don’t ship to Canada.
I am going to do my best this weekend to track some down come hell or high water!

I have been cursed by one of my bathtubs. The one in the main bath was delivered damaged a few weeks ago and had to be re-ordered. The new one arrived Monday but when the plumbers where installing it they broke it near the bottom of the tub. They are going to get someone to come in to repair it and if I’m not happy with it they will replace it. Most likely it will be fine. I’m not going to get all anal about it unless I can really see it. Oh tub Gods please make it right.

The rest of my faucets are being sent out today and all of my doors and closets are being delivered this morning. Josh and Jordan (there Jordan, I used your name…happy now?) will install all the doors and closets tomorrow. I have to pick out trim work tomorrow morning as well. Josh knows I don’t like scrolly crap, so his samples will be as plain as possible.
The painter starts on Monday with the trim work. I still have to pick my colors for the walls. I’ve decided to paint my post and beam ceiling a semi gloss white. If the ceiling was higher I would probably do something different but with an 8’ ceiling and beams every 4’ and 12” in depth it really drops the ceiling. Everything I’ve read says to paint it a shiny white to bring up the ceilings and reflect light and so reflect light I will. I also like the look of it. Men seem to cringe at the thought of painting wood but I don’t care…it’s getting painted! Get over it!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quotes...or...the big lie

Well, the drywall began yesterday. I came home at lunch to get my IKEA paperwork so I could pick up some of my IKEA cabinets and went upstairs to check out the dry walling. They had two bedrooms finished. I don’t know how people can work with that stuff day in and day out. They must constantly feel like the surface of a blackboard with all that chalky dust.
When I got home from work at the end of the day almost the whole upstairs was finished. There’s just a bit of drywall left to do in my master bathroom. I am sure they will be finished the whole house by the end of today because it is so open concept downstairs there isn’t much surface area.
The drywall dust just from them cutting was everywhere. I tried to sweep up gently as best I could because I didn’t want the cats tracking through it and getting too much on the bed.
Speaking of the cats…. If you are ever renovating and you have cats let me just warn you they use any sawdust or dirt to do their duty in. I thought I caught a whiff of kitty wee when I got home from work. I checked around the house this morning and low and behold one corner had a bit of sawdust in it and my cat used it as a litter box. It’s nothing a little vinegar won’t fix and hopefully it won’t happen again. Note to self: be sure to bring the cat box inside.

Soooo…the glass railing….
As you have probably guessed from reading my blog I am not a patient individual and customer service and communication are a big thing for me. The company I was going to order the glass railing from didn’t get back to me about my question regarding installation so I had another company come out. Their quote came over my budget at $5,300. I told them I was quoted $3,600. from another company and that they fabricated their own metal. He said the best he could do was $4,300. The style of the glass railing was a lot different (no posts) but I actually liked the $3,600 better. I told him I’d let him know in a few days. He also quoted me for the glass in the bathrooms which I haven’t had quoted before so I’m not sure what the cost on that should be yet.
Turns out the company that quoted me $3,600. finally got back to me about installation and so I placed my order. I called the latter company that quoted $4,300 to let him know I’d decided to go with another source. Long story short, he called me later that day and told me he could do it for $3,400. instead of $4,300. I asked why he could suddenly give me a good price now and why he couldn’t before and he gave me a song and dance about getting the glass cheaper because he had just purchased a large quantity. I told him it was too late and that I’d already placed my order. He told me to call them back and tell them I changed my mind as it’s a woman’s prerogative to do that….. Ah, sales people, ya gotta love em! I guess glass sales are a lot like used cars and insurance. I'm not going with him!!
The next set of rip-off artists…painters! If you are renovating and have the time to paint…do it yourself. I’ve tried everything from telling them I’d buy the paint to telling them I’d do some of the filling to I’d do some of the painting work and they still found a way to rip me off. I’m tired of getting quotes. I’ve had 5 quotes. This includes asking people I know if they know someone. If I had the time I would paint the whole thing myself but I would have to take time off of work and I would be set back probably more than a couple of weeks. If this reno was taking place during my job’s off season I probably would have considered painting myself. Unfortunately my job is just starting to get very busy and I can’t afford the time off.

My house is beginning to look like a real house now...and the bonus? I've been told that by the end of next week I may be able to soak in my new tub!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A day of ups and downs

D day approaches. D is for Dust…drywall dust that is. I found out yesterday that the drywaller starts next Wednesday. I must head out of town a few days later on Saturday to Ontario and Heather will have to hold down the fort. The sanding was supposed to start on Monday but I won’t be back until Tuesday afternoon so I’ve asked Josh to have them start that on Wednesday instead. I don’t want Heather to have to endure that on her own. I told her to stay at her Grand Mother’s for a couple of days till the dust settles.

Glitch number two for the house happened yesterday. The insulation was being installed. I made my way home at lunch to see the progress and everything looked very pink. Nothing out of the ordinary happened then but when I got home from work at the end of the day and went upstairs I was aghast. The installer had used some kind of black caulking, plastic and staples between my windows. These areas were supposed to be left alone of any drywall or trim work as I wanted a clean look for this house. Josh and I had gone over this a few days ago when we had a discussion about trim work. I called Josh to let him know. He told me he would fix it. All I know is I’m not paying for the time it takes to fix it. I tried to take some of it down but the black goop was getting all over my hands and I had no way of getting it off. The unfortunate thing is the guy got it on my window frames and the beautiful caulking job around my windows. I’m grateful he hadn’t started downstairs yet but this better be fixable.

The night before last I had the glass railing rep come to my house for the second time to show me some brushed aluminum posts I wanted between the glass for the stair railing. We went over the details and he said he had thought it would be approximately $3,000. for this industrial look I wanted so badly but he would have to get back to me with the real quote. I was hopeful it would stay at $3,000. But what did my eyes behold the next morning but the quote in my email box of $4,300. What a disappointment. I wrote him back telling him it was way over my budget and were there any other options for me. He called me back at the end of the day and told me he could give it to me for $3,600. As long as they could use pictures of it on their website and maybe bring a potential customer to come and look at the railing upon completion. I was fine with that. I forgot to ask if the price included installation so I am awaiting a response for that and if it’s a yes then I will go for it.

Another slight disappointment yesterday, I received my quote back from the company that does IKEA cabinet installation. Let me just set this up by saying my kitchen is not large and I don’t have that many cabinets. The quote came in at $2,250.00. Way over what I was thinking it would cost. I am now going to put together an above fridge cabinet I already have from IKEA this weekend to see how hard it is. I think what I am going to do is end up putting the cabinets together myself (hopefully with help from family) and have Josh install them. I talked to him about it yesterday and he is fine with that. I went online to look up how difficult it is to install an IKEA kitchen and apparently it is pretty well idiot proof. Is it blonde proof though, that’s the real question? I’m preparing myself for the 120 boxes that will be arriving soon. Everything comes separately packaged. One cabinet is approximately 6 - 9 boxes. The kitchen will arrive the third week of April.

I have to contact the laminate flooring guys today as Josh wants to use his own wood nosing for the stairs. He’s not happy with the two samples I have shown him from the store. I want to cancel the nosing order. Hopefully I can. Josh will supply me with his own version which he uses all the time. He said it will hold up a lot better. I will trust his judgment.

Well, I can’t say how glad I am that this is Friday because I am short a weekend next weekend to do stuff hunting for the house as I’ll be in Ontario. I will have to work overtime this weekend to get all I need to get accomplished done.
I’m a lot warmer this morning because the insulation has kept the cool air where it’s supposed to be…that’s nice, except my gut twists every time I think of my window frame area being mauled. Luckily it was only upstairs.

I actually wish I could do this house reno stuff as a living. I would love to flip houses. I love the frenzy, the research the decorating and getting deals (or what I perceive as being deals) for the house. I really love meeting all the people I’ve met so far to do with the reno. I am in my element!, even when some things go wrong. I knew the reno wouldn't be perfect but my contractor sure tries hard for everything to go smoothly and I really appreciate that!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I still have water on the brain

I survived Easter weekend. It was actually quite nice.
I spent Thursday evening sweeping the house of sawdust and wood chips (I sound like Cinderella) and the cable and telephone wires were just being installed when I got home from work. There’s one more thing to check off the list.
Is it just me? Because I think the installation of cable and telephone jacks etc is highway robbery! Josh assured me he had put that in his original quote…(huge sigh of relief).

I was happy to have my water back on for the weekend but little was I prepared for Good Friday morning…I took it easy that morn. Not something I normally get to do. I very leisurely started my day with coffee and computer surfing and a little HGTV (alternating with sitting in front of the gas fireplace to get warm) I finally decided to get ready for the day. Heated up some water in my kettle and did the few dishes I had. Oh come on! The water would not drain from the sink. I had already heard from Josh about a half hour earlier. He was asking if I had gotten the stair nosing sample. I assured him it was on my list of things to do this weekend and it would be in his possession on Monday.
I proceeded to call Josh back about the water clogging. I just needed to know how to fix it. He tried to tell me how to release pressure from the valve behind the toilet. Nothing. Finally he instructed me to loosen it completely. I hung up and rifled through the tool bag under the stairs and found a wrench. I did my best to loosen it. I’m not a strapping young lad so it obviously wasn’t going to budge! I made an executive decision and got the hammer and whacked the crap out of it until it moved. I know, not the best solution but I didn’t want to be without running water for a long weekend and I wasn’t about to ask Josh to come out to my house to fix it for Easter. The whacking worked, the water drained. The frantic girl was happy.
I spent my day collecting light fixtures. First stop Vancouver lighting. I wanted to get my outdoor lights for the front of my house. Check.
Second off to IKEA (now my second home) to pick up the ceiling fixtures I had wanted. Check.
I stopped at my Mom’s on the way home. It’s my sanctuary for now and lets not forget my laundr-o-mat. What would we do without our Moms? I was starving when I got there and ended up snacking myself out of dinner. She warned me but I didn’t listen. Oh well. I enjoyed my day and fell asleep on the couch watching t.v.

I found out the next day that Vancouver lighting had sold me the wrong lights and I’d have to take them back. I ended up going to Richmond on Saturday and found green mosaic tile to go with my 50’s green sinks. The tile was only $9.99 for a 12X12 sheet. Not bad. I also bought my under mount kitchen sink from the same place for an awesome deal. I’ll be picking it up on Wednesday.

I’m struggling with my vanity lighting for my master bath. I found fixtures I like but they are way over my price range. I have a problem dropping 6 C notes for one fixture. I casually saw someone do this on Saturday. They were carrying around a Chihuahua and were wearing designer jeans and some fancy dancy shoes. A three light vanity light…nothing special..$600. just like they were buying chewing gum. They didn’t even bat an eye. I walked out of the store empty handed.

I got my outdoor lighting replaced and held it up to the house to see what it looked like. Awesome, but unfortunately the back plate doesn’t cover the outlet. I will let Josh know. He always has solutions for my issues (don’t even think it!).

It’s now Tuesday. My stairs are being re-built and should be done by the time I get home. I dropped in at at noon to talk to the guys and see the progress. It looks great like always. Drywall will apparently happen next week…and by the way the electrical passed inspection this morning. The bathtubs are supposed to be arriving tomorrow and will be installed. Unfortunately I still have no hot water so there will be no long soothing baths in the very near future. It will happen one day…and I can’t wait!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Easter Egg hunt at my house this year!

What day are we on for the reno? Beats me! I thought I’d keep track of the days but it just hasn’t worked out that way.
I came home from work Monday (I think it was Monday…it’s turning into a blur now) to find I had no water and no toilet once again. It would have been nice to have had a heads up (again, no pun intended) but unfortunately the plumbers didn’t tell my contractor so in our briefing at the end of the day it never came up. I was sweeping up and needed to wash up but then found the tap taped shut to the handle. I had minimal water in the fridge so I called over the fence to my neighbor and asked if he could fill up the Britta jug for me. Thank goodness for neighbors. I knew the next morning I’d be heading to the gym to get ready for the day. Not my favorite thing to do.

I had to head to IKEA again to change my cabinet order because we didn’t think one cabinet would fit and Josh said he thought we would be able to use the fridge cabinet after all. When I looked at my original order I actually found a mistake with my bathroom vanity cabinets which I had ordered with my kitchen. It’s all fixed now so it’s all good and she even gave me the 15% off the new cabinets I ordered even though the sale is over. I took part of the order home with me. Holy lead! Those boxes are awkward and heavy!

I’ve had enough of the waking up in the middle of the night and getting up scenario. I did sleep last night until 4:30am….hey, it’s better than 3am. My head is so full of things to order for the house. The biggest dilemma I have right now?, my stair railing. I want to get a few more quotes and the system I actually like the best is from the Seattle area. You send them the measurements and they make it for you. Apparently it’s easy to install yourself. There are a few railings I like, one being the glass and the other the cable railing system. I’ve heard is hard to get an inspector to pass the cable because kids can climb them so I’m sticking with the glass.

I had to find a sub for my fitness class for tonight because my fridge delivery was today. They could only give me a time frame of between 12pm – 6:30pm, so I couldn’t take the chance they would be there earlier than later. Apparently no one was going to be home so I thought I’d have to leave work at noon to be there for the day. Ends up I cancelled for nothing. The fridge came at 12:30pm. I was there and so was the electrician. Speaking of Electrician, the inspection will be next Tuesday, the insulation Wednesday and the drywall Thursday and the drywall dust soon after…ugh. Not that I’m complaining. Progress is good.
The plumbing inspection was today and passed with flying colors and as an Easter present I now have my toilet and cold water hooked up. That’s better that chocolate. I’m living the good life now!