Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring is here and so is a Grandson and a new you tube link

Well, spring has sprung, it's just too bad the sun hasn't.  I'm wondering whether it would be more practical to sell my MCM and build an Ark.  Here on the lower mainland we are all wondering if we are going to be getting a summer or whether the rain has decided to stay forever.  I shouldn't complain.  The flowers are here and everything is bright green and healthy looking.  I've planted some of my flower pots and for Mom's day I received two hanging baskets....not to mention I also received the gift of a new little Grand baby.   He made his entrance here on Mother's day as a matter of fact.  I'd like to say the stork delivered him but I think my daughter would have a couple of words to say on that matter.  He's perfect in every way and not that he really cares.... except for eating, sleeping and pooping....he is well on his way to being brought up in a MCM home a block away from me.  I can hardly wait!

I've spent the whole weekend making a YOU TUBE movie about my house renovation.  It was so much fun.  Here is the link.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

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